by William P. Lane

Welcome, new freshmen, to Cornell University! As all of you have no doubt heard from your Orientation Leaders, administration officials, and the copious tides of pamphlets with which you have been inundated over the course of the semester, Cornell will

Cornell Hockey: A University Tradition

by Dennis Shiraev

Hockey: as Cornell as Ezra, squirrels and prelims

Healthcare Hitler

by Raza S. Hoda

Democrats resort to intimidation to pass socialist legislation

Other Articles

open up a magical world of learning and self-discovery which will leave you completely reshaped and ready to solve the world’s problems, a place of perennial sunshine and total fulfillment and enjoyment...


Record Low Admissions for Cornell Class of 2013

by Dennis Shiraev

Cornell’s admission rate hits an all-time low

©2009 The Ithaca Review, Inc.

updated: September 27, 2009

Online Articles

  1. 9.27.09 Editorial: Big Red Apathy